I do not have much to write tonight. I read a lot in the chemistry book, but it was not a whole lot of information that I wish to disseminate here. He's still talking about books he recommends and doesn't. It's good for me to know, but it's not necessary for me to elaborate on at all times.
There was one recurring theme, however, that I noticed. One of the main similarities you will find when reading books written by people in the English school of thought is that the basis for their fears in using essential oils is shoddy clinical testing. I know shoddy is a strong word, and I do not mean to say that British scientists are not good at their jobs. What I mean is that it is normal for them to extract certain compounds out of essential oils and test them individually on animals, etc. As Dr. Stewart states in his book, this is about the equivalent of extracting compounds out of sea salt and calling them toxic if you get a bad test result. Are there toxic compounds in sea salt? Yes. Are there toxic compounds in some essential oils? Yes. The issue isn't that they're there. The issue is how they behave in that state of being paired with the other compounds (this pairing is call synergy) present in the salt and oils. People have been using salt ever since the world began. It's a cleanser, an antiseptic, an antibiotic, a food preservative, etc. Do the toxic chemicals in salt make salt toxic? Not when it's used properly.
The fact is that every substance in creation is an ecosystem in itself. Every compound depends on or suppresses another compound or more to make a fully therapeutic substance. Even the plants that are normally considered poisonous to us are used in homeopathy for healing. It's not normally a matter of using a substance, but a matter of how it's used. Essential oils very often have compounds which when separated out would prove harmful. However, in their synergistic state, they become therapeutic and can even counteract the same ailments the individual compounds would cause on their own. For example, myrrh is extremely high in furanoid compounds. Furanoid compounds usually cause photo-sensitivity, which means they make us very vulnerable to UV rays and we sunburn more when exposed to them. However, the other compounds in myrrh suppress these furanoid compounds in such a way that myrrh has actually been documented and used as an effective sunblock agent.
We assume that we are smarter than God, that since when we produce these compounds clinically and they are harmful, when God also produces them, they are harmful. We forget that He produced them first, and that He is smart enough to use them in such a way as to bring life instead of death. We think that by extracting certan compounds and turning them into pills we've improved upon His creation by making the compounds "more effective". In contrast, we've removed what makes them truly healthful.
It is wise to always be aware that God is THE genius, and that His original way needs no improvement, no matter how scary it sounds to our finite minds.
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